HUMAN CAPABILITY APPROACH : A VEHICLE FOR DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE It is important to take note also of the instrumental role of capability
expansion in bringing about social change (going well beyond economic
change). Indeed, the role of human beings even as instruments of change
can go much beyond economic production (to which the perspective of
“human capital” standardly points), and include social and political
development. For example, as was discussed earlier, expansion of female
education may reduce gender inequality in intrafamily distribution and
also help to reduce fertility rates as well as child mortality rates.
Expansion of basic education may also improve the quality of public
debates. These instrumental achievements may be ultimately quite
important—taking us well beyond the production of conventionally
defined commodities.
In looking for a fuller understanding of the role of human capabilities,
we have to take note of:
1) their direct relevance to the well-being and freedom of people;
2) their indirect role through influencing social change; and
3) their indirect role through influencing economic production.
The relevance of the capability perspective incorporates each of these
contributions. In contrast, in the standard literature human capital is
seen primarily in terms of the third of the three roles. There is a clear
overlap of coverage, and it is indeed an important overlap. But there is
also a strong need to go well beyond that rather limited and
circumscribed role of human capital in understanding development as
Taken from page no 316 of DEVELOPMENT AS FREEDOM By Prof Amartya Sen
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