Friday, 23 September 2022


Every individual has many types of identity. An individual has some identities  which are sometimes in stark contrast to individual's other identities and in some cases one or more than one  identity is strengthened by some other identity or identical. An individual's wide range of identities are based on birth, education, culture, social standing, profession, attitudes, affiliations, activities and on many others. And many of them are permanent and many of them are contextual. And all are intersecting all others. In this ways issue of a  person's identity is very much complex and many times troublemaking and many times troubleshooting. Here the more complex traumatic dilemma for an individual is to fix priorities of such identities and this task is largely contextual . However this task of contextual prioritization of various identies may be  more than once so misleading that that individual fails to interact with a particular context with the matching contextual identity which may already be in individual's identities. 
    And many times adjustment among different  identities may cause psychological trauma that may emerge from cultural shocks. 

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