Saturday, 18 June 2022


1Fascist leader claims to be voice of the people

2.Fascist politics doesn't necessarily leads to fascist govt but it's dangerous.

3.Fascist politics is characterised by
Mystical past 
Anti intellectualism
Law & order
Sexual anxiety
Appeals to the heartland
Dismantling social welfare and unity

4.Fascist state and politics dehumanizes certain sections of population.

5.Repression of freedom, mass imprisonment, mass extermination in extreme cases, genocide, campaign for ethnic cleansing, are the tactics of fascist policy.

6.Fascism's most striking feature is to devide population between "us and them" , "us vs them" on the basis of ethnic, religious or racial distinctions.

7.Fascists break the sense of common heritage, create mythic past and create divisions to support their present view.

8.They re write the population's shared  reality by twisting the language of reslity through propaganda and anti intellectualism. They attack universities and education system which might challange their idea.

7.Thus fascist politics creates a state of unreality which is characterised by fake news, distorted facts. This breaks down common understanding of reality. Reasoned debate loose it's place.

8. This leads to establishment of dangerous false belief system .

9.This politics by fake scientific data establishes human hierarchy on the basis of religion, race and ethnicity. This created fear and hate along social groups. Progress of minority group is seen as a threat to interests of majority or dominant groups.

9.Concept of law and order is used to define "us" as a lawful citizens and "them " as lawless criminals. By this it's popularized that there is existential threat to the manhood of the nation.

10.Gender equality is seen se threat to patriarchal hierarchy. "We" represent pure virtuous moral characters and "they" pollute, our traditional moral purity.

11.We are hard working who produce wealth of the society and " they" are lazy surviving on the wealth we produce by our hard works. And thus welfarism is attacked.

12.Fascist state presents virtuous ideas just to conceal her dangerous enactments. Nixon's crime control was to conceal his rascist politics. 

13.Anti corruption drives are launched to conceal her own corruption.

14.Dismantling rule of law and replace it by dictates of party boss.

15.Removal of independent judges.  No independent judiciary .

16. In name of protection of freedom and liberty , freedom and liberty of one group is taken away.

17.Purpose of free speech in a democracy is to facilitate public discourse on policy and not to bully others. 

18.Fascism elevates irrational over rational, fanatical emotional over intellect, by propaganda.


20. Universities are claimed to be sources of bias.

21. Reasoned debate is replaced by lie, fear, anger and hatred.

22. Reality is considered that which is said by a leader or his party.

23. Truth is replaced by piwer and world is seen as one person proclaims.

24. Continuous lieing makes information space to nothing.

25. Conspiracies are circulated to suppress truth and liberal media. Even harsh steps of closing media houses and arresting mediamen and.leaders are also done.

26.Consipracie theories create fear, resentment and hatred among masses who are deprived of sources of true information.

26. Language is not used to spread information rather used to ignite emotions and passions.

27. As a result the citizens have not shared reality about the world around them and 5hey adopt politics for achieving their tribal identification, personal grievances, communal hatred.

28.When news become sports the strongman achieve certain degree of popularity.
29.Fascist polity converts news from the source of information and debate to a propaganda for the strongman.

30.Fascist potty destroys mutual respect among citizens and respect for democratic institutions.

31. Trust in one figure that is in leader is built.


33. Hierarchy

34. Racially majority group is convinced to be racially discriminated while sharing power with minority group.

34. Although minority suffers all sorts of inequality it is the majority which is convinced by the fascist rulers who are discriminated to favour minority for sharing of power.

35. Majority religion is said to be in danger and so majority religious groups start movement against minority religious groups.

36. In a fascist polity allegiance is shown to tribal identity, race, religion, traditional. 

37.Fascist nationalism repudiates equality based ideals which are essentially liberal and democratic in nature.

38.Privileges available to majority in various fields are not available to minority groups.

39. Through this  propaganda fascists succeed in widening the gulf between religious groups/cultural entities.

40. Majority discontent can be extracted to push minority away .

41. In a fascist state the concept of law and order regards one section of people are lawful by birth and other as lawless by birth. In this way members of dominant race/religion are considered under threat of those whose race/religion is different.  Such minorities are considered as threat to dominant race/religion culture and their nationalism.
42.Minorites are servely punished by the state as they are perceived as threat to peace, and law and order of dominant group's society. 

43.Political protests by minorities are described as riots.
44.In fascist set up there is lack of compassion and empathy for minorities. Crimes of dominant groups are treated compassionate ly and empathetically but crimes of minorities are seen as conspiracy against the nation , society and morality.

45.A fascist state is characterised by strong patriarchal values. 

46.Fascist propaganda creates fear about inter mixing and racial impurity and emphasises on racial purity.

47. Sexual independence of women are perceived as threat to culture and nation. 

48. Similarly LGBTQ+ community is considered as threat to stability of racial supermacy.

49.Minorities are charged with the accusations of mass rapes of women of dominant group with an aim to destroy the purity and culture of dominant group. Such false allegations are placed to rationalize lunching of minority men.

50. Minority men are depicted as sex predators .

51. When in society due to economic strains male of a family is under deep stress his anxiety is exploited by fascist politics and propaganda in order to scare him that his family is under existential threat by minorities' sex predators.

52.Fascist politics is oppose to cosmopolitan nature of urban center and favours rural settings. People of rural settings are guided more by traditional, religion and ethnic rathos. 

53. Fascist considers rural settings as the center which are self sufficient, not affected by foreign culture, free from immegrants, and repository of ethnic purity.

54.Fascists denounce cities for their declining birth rate. This is seen as the weakening of dominant group. In contrast rural high birth rate is seen as the source of strength for dominant groups.

55. Minorities are considered as parasites who live on the hard labour of majority group.

56.In hrs of crisis a fascist ruler provides majority group people leaving minority people in lurch.

57.Minorities are considered as lazy and criminals and so majority of majority group opposes welfare activities as they see for welfarism wealth of hard working people are taken away to provide benefits to lazy , parasites of minorities.

58.Fascist policies first create a situation of impression of minorities and then rationalize brutal acts of force in name of maintaining law and order. Thus annihilates minorities.

59.Trade unions are places where workers identify themselves with fellow workers across the ethnic identify ans so trade unionism is seen as thret to majoritarionism. 

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